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“Be grateful for triggers, they point to where you are not free.” ~Unknown Your triggers are your responsibility. I know, it doesn’t land so nicely, ...
“The first step towards change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” ~Nathaniel Branden Do me a favor and don’t tell my wife what I’m about to ...
It’s bound to happen if you’re enduring chronic depression or anxiety. You’re suddenly hit with the feeling that you’re spiraling downward. You become ...
“When you lose someone you love, you don’t learn to live without them…you learn to live with the love they left behind.” ~Anonymous If I look like my ...
“Before you put yourself down, please consider everything you’ve accomplished to get to this point, every life you’ve touched, and every moment you’ve ...
“Don’t wait for joy to find you, because you might end up waiting forever.” ~Unknown Eight years ago, my husband and I made a pact to make joy our job. ...
By Leo Babauta My wife Eva and I have been vegan for over 11 years now, and we love it. I don’t talk about veganism a lot on Zen Habits, but today ...
“It’s okay that you don’t know how to move on. Start with something easier…. Like not going back.” ~Unknown I’m one of the 70% of people who have ...
Details matter. Your therapist can recommend a radical change to your diet. But if specifics are left out, your depression and anxiety will be left in. The ...
“Be brave enough to take off the masks you wear out there and get to know who you are underneath. Be vulnerable enough to accept your flaws and know ...
“Our brains are wired for connection, but trauma rewires them for protection. That’s why healthy relationships are difficult for wounded people.” ...
“No matter how far we come, our parents are always in us.” ~Brad Meltzer Had you asked me five years ago, before my healing and personal growth journey ...
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