13 things to consider when you’re spiraling downward

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Deal Score0

It’s bound to happen if you’re enduring chronic depression or anxiety. You’re suddenly hit with the feeling that you’re spiraling downward. You become frightened and convinced that you’re about to plummet into the abyss. “What’s happening to me? Help!”

Think about your place in existence. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What’s life’s meaning for you? If you have some answers, turn to them for resolve. If you don’t, what better time to work on it?

Have you been there? I sure have.

All the elements of the perfect psychstorm fused and the feeling becomes one of utter situational incompetence – and terror.

You believe the abyss awaits, or at the very least, a visit to the closest psych hospital.

13 things to consider when you’re spiraling downward

At this particular moment, you may chuckle at the prospect of having to cope with an evolving hell.

But you just never know. And by reading the following and letting it sink in, you’ll be better prepared when the chips are down. Why not save or print the article – just in case?

Okay, some emotional and mental health first aid…

  1. Factor in at least a 40% reality vs. perception margin of error. You’re in a tough spot – I get it. But you can’t forget how good we can be at catastrophizing, as well as other cognitive distortions.
  2. With #1 under your belt, see if you can put aside thoughts of a hospital visit. But if that’s how it goes down – okay – it may be the best thing for you.
  3. Assess the dashboard warning lights issues: stressors, diet, exercise, yoga/meditation, sleep, etc. When you get the results, make the necessary adjustments.
  4. Accept what’s going on. Whether you like it or not, it’s happening. This isn’t the time for more internal conflict. Let it evolve and manage as you can.
  5. Think about being safely tucked in bed. Everything would be okay, wouldn’t it? So really, nothing anatomical or biochemical is going-on. It’s a matter of an overloaded immediate reality. That’s manageable, right?
  6. Visualize your whole self – from above – as you navigate your world. It’ll help you see your role in the great order of things, and understand you don’t dominate the set.
  7. Think about your place in existence. What do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What’s life’s meaning for you? If you have some answers, turn to them for direction and resolve. If you don’t, what better time to work on it?
  8. Don’t worry about having a “psychotic break” or “nervous breakdown?” Whatever they really are, they’re the big-time exception.
  9. Recall times when your circumstances were the same or similar. And remind yourself you’re still standing, so other than feeling tragic for now, you’re going to be okay.
  10. Picture yourself actually tumbling into the abyss. Yes, imagine the very thing that terrorizes you – take things to the ultimate extreme. What happens? Is life as you knew it truly over? In the end, don’t you rise above it all?
  11. Find someone with whom you can share what’s going on. It’s really important to express what you’re enduring – thinking and feeling. It’s all about release, feedback, processing, back up, and maintaining social interaction.
  12. Reach out to someone in need. Maybe even someone going through the same thing. Doesn’t matter how badly you feel, you can do it.
  13. Sustain forward motion. This is not the time to give in to thoughts of checking out of your routine. And keep an eye on isolation and excessive sleep.
  14. Bonus #14. Never, ever, ever give up. No matter the pain and hopelessness, you have to try again (and again).

Do they make sense to you? Can you come up with more?

“I’ll Try Again”

spiraling downwardspiraling downward

“I’ll try again – and again.”

Over the years, I’ve written hundreds of poems. And most all of them are based upon my mood and anxiety experience.

Maybe this one will be a good fit right about now…

I’ll Try Again

Whenever life is hurt and pain
Vision’s blurred by bitter rain
It seems all hope is surely gone
I tell myself
I must go on

At times I feel such deep despair
The burden more than I can bear
I can’t see past another day
But still I must prepare the way

In times of doubt and fainting heart
When from this world I’d choose to part
I know not what the answers are
I must believe
They’re not too far

Whenever life has got me beat
Before I take the grand defeat
I’ll rise once more amid the rain
And swear to all
I’ll try again

Not by a long shot

Okay, so it’s bound to happen sooner or later – that frightening downward spiral. Who knows? Maybe it’s going down now. Would it really surprise you?

Understand that as abysmal as you feel, it’s not over – not by a long shot. You’ll rebound.

Come on, take the time to read and absorb our 14 pieces of emotional and mental health first aid. Heck, print the article and keep it close at hand, just in case.

“What’s happening to me? Help!” You know what to do.

This is an update of an older Chipur article. Be sure to review the comments.

Plenty more emotional and mental health info and inspirational goodies to read here on Chipur. Hit the titles.

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