No More Over-Complicating – Beyoutiful Beauty

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I am so done with over-complicating things. Are you with me?

I’ve only written on this blog once this year and a handful of times last year. And writing has always been one of my biggest passions!

I keep thinking I should wait to write things until they’re perfect or tied up in a perfect little bow (which is something I’ve talked about here before but it’s popping up for me again haha surprise surprise) or until I have something “worthwhile” to say.

But who defines any of that besides me, am I right?!

So I’m here to say fuck perfection and over-complicating and stopping myself before I start.

I’m not perfect, and I’ll never be, so I’m tired of waiting for something drastic to happen before I get back to truly living my life and following each of my passions.

Time goes much faster than we’d all like, so I’m no longer waiting for some possibly-perfect day in the future that most likely doesn’t actually exist to be all the different versions of myself that I feel like being.

I want to write more in general, including on this blog.

I want to re-start and re-invigorate my podcast.

I want to continue finding more new and bold ways to express myself as I am right here in this moment.

I want to feel like I’m not the one holding myself back anymore.

Are you with me?

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

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