Galapagos Island Hopping Tour for 7 Days with Intrepid Travel –

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Like most wildlife lovers, I dreamed for years about a trip to the Galapagos Islands.  Because this unique destination involves so much planning and expert advice, I chose my first tour group vacation with Intrepid Travel.  I thankfully signed up for the 9-day Galapagos Island hopping tour in April, going to San Cristobal, Floreana, Isabela and Santa Cruz.   

The island-hopping vs cruise tour allows visitors to experience & support the local culture more in depth, with flexible excursions on land and sea. Our tour focused on snorkeling adventures not scuba diving. Overall, I took home epic memories of this one-of-a-kind ecosystem.   It was nice to trust the itinerary of Intrepid Travel and just show up for the time of my life.  So, read on to learn about the top Galapagos things to see and do with this ideal 9-Day itinerary.

About Galapagos Islands


Off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos archipelago consists of 21 islands with 18 being major.  It’s located on the Nazca plate and is a volcanic hotspot.  The youngest island, Isabela, has 5 volcanoes, including Sierra Negra, the most active in the Galapagos.   The Galapagos National Park and Marine Reserve protect the land and water for research and conservation.  The islands’ plant life is mostly semi-desert with shrubs, grasslands and dry forests.  However, some islands have highlands with more rain and cooler temperatures. 

Charles Darwin, the famous Naturalist from UK sailed to the Galapagos in 1835 on the HMS Beagle.  He explored 4 of the islands, discovering species that compelled him to research evolutionary biology.  Especially, the adaptations of the finches, marine iguanas and giant tortoises confirmed this theory.  Therefore, this was the most influential ecosystem, from which he researched and published On the Origin of Species about natural selection.

Related: Beagle Channel’s Glacier Alley of the Chilean Fjords

The endemic wildlife here is unique as most of them are castaways with no predators.  They most likely floated over to the islands from the mainland millions of years ago.

Because the animals have no predators, they do not fear humans.  So, you can closely approach wildlife, and they remain curious and unafraid. Over time they evolved and adapted to the harsh environments unique to each island.  Therefore, the Galapagos is home to endemic species not seen anywhere else, such as, 15 different species of giant tortoises, marine iguanas, lava lizards, finches and flightless cormorants. 

Other common species include the green turtle, blue-footed booby, waved albatross, sea lions and the Galapagos penguin. Snorkelers and divers can see whale sharks, hammerhead sharks, eagle rays and many other marine species.

Climate & Best Time to Visit Galapagos

Charles Darwin Bay – San Cristobal

There are 2 main climates influenced by the ocean currents: cold/dry season (June – November) and warm/wet season (December – May).  The cold Humboldt current flows up from Antarctica influencing the cold season.  The Panama current flows through the warm/wet season causing warmer waters. 

The best time to visit Galapagos is December to May during the cold/dry season. The Humboldt current from Antarctica flows through the Galapagos from June to November. This creates more winds and rougher seas. Therefore, the snorkeling and diving is murkier. Also, this is something to consider if you are prone to getting sea sickness. However, the off season has less tourists and you are more likely to see penguins this time of year.

Why I went with a Galapagos Island Hopping Tour with Intrepid Travel

Dream Team with Charles Darwin Statue – San Cristobal

This unique destination requires special, in-depth planning that I wasn’t up for doing.  So, I signed up with the Intrepid Travel Company.  The government limits number of people allowed to visit the islands at any time. So, planning far in advance is another factor. Intrepid Travel plans everything, including meals, accommodations, transportation and guides.  It was new for me to just let experts handle everything, as I usually travel solo.  In hindsight, I wouldn’t have done this trip any other way.  

The itinerary was packed with top things to see and do with our own local, professional naturalist guide.  I not only enjoyed myself, but learned tons and made a group of new friends.  Even more, their company ethics about responsible travel resonate with me and my sustainable views about the environment.  The island-hopping vs cruise tour allowed us to experience & support the local culture and economy more in depth. It also offered more flexible excursions on land and sea.

Quito as the Gateway to the Galapagos Islands


As the capital of Ecuador, Quito is the perfect gateway to the Galapagos.  Flights go directly to and from the main airports on the Galapagos on San Cristobal and Baltra Islands.  My Ecuadorian experience began and ended in Quito, where I stayed for 4 days.  We flew on Avianca Airlines to San Cristobal and returned from Baltra Island. 

If Quito is your gateway, be sure to schedule time to explore Quito while you are here. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and near volcanoes, the Amazon and cloud forests.  Overall, Quito is much more than just a gateway to the Galapagos.

Related:  Historic Quito, Ecuador Travel Guide & Top Attractions

My 9-Day Galapagos Island Hopping Tour with Intrepid Travel
(See Links for Island Blogs)

On our 9-day Galapagos tour, we did some serious island hopping, staying in motels on the islands. This allowed us to have more flexibility by both land and sea, plus support the local economies & immerse in Galapagos culture. In comparison, a cruise tour supports a company with less flexibility on land.

Flying from Quito to San Cristobal, we stayed for 2 nights in San Cristobal. Then, we took a charter speed boat to a stay in Isabela Island for 3 nights, with a stop at Floreana Island. Next, we took another charter speed boat to Santa Cruz Island for 2 nights. Lastly, I flew back to Quito.

Day 1: Arrive in Quito and meet Intrepid Travel Guides

Day 2: Fly to San Cristobal Island & Snorkel at La Loberia Beach

Related: Spectacular 2-Day San Cristobal Galapagos Itinerary & Highlights

La Loberia Beach, San Cristobal

Day 3: San Cristobal – Interpretive Center and Sea Lion Island for Snorkel and Birdwatching

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Blue-footed Boobie -Sea Lion Island, San Cristobal

Day 4:  Boat Charter Transfer to Isabela via Floreana Snorkel & Lunch

Related: Fun Half-Day Floreana, Galapagos Tour and Snorkeling

Floreana Beach Snorkel

Day 5: Isabela – Las Tintorearas (Shark Alley), Snorkel and Tortoise Breeding Center

Related: Amazing 3-Day Isabela, Galapagos Itinerary and Highlights

Marine Iguana, Isabela

Day 6: Isabela Island – Sierra Negra Volcano Hike

Sierra Negra Volcan Caldera- Isabela

Day 7:  Isabela Island Kayak and Charter Boat Transfer to Santa Cruz Island and Rancho El Manzanillo to See Tortoises in Natural Habitat

Kayaking in Isabela

Day 8: Santa Cruz at Tortuga Bay Swim and Charles Darwin Research Center

Related: Incredible 2-Day Santa Cruz, Galapagos Itinerary and Highlights

Tortugas Bay, Santa Cruz

Day 9: Depart from Baltra Airport to Quito

Overall, how I feel about my Galapagos Trip with Intrepid Travel – Hits and Misses!

This trip truly was flawless.  Everything went super smoothly, and I loved every minute of it.  There is so much planning involved with island hopping in the Galapagos, it was nice to just enjoy the trip and let someone else handle all of this.  

However, I did miss out on 2 snorkeling sites that I very much regret.  In retrospect, I wish that I had planned to arrive a day or 2 early in San Cristobal to snorkel at Kicker Rock on my own.  Also, I would have added a couple days at the end to go back to Isabela and spend more time, particularly at the Los Túneles.  Both Kicker Rock on San Cristobal and Los Tuneles in Isabela are considered one of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Galapagos.  Well, I guess that’s my excuse to go back to the Galapagos. 

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