40 One-Sentence Self-Care Tips – The Blissful Mind

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I’ve written a lot about self-care over the years, and somehow there’s always more I can say on the topic.

Perhaps it’s because I see people not taking care of themselves and I think, “This could all be so different.”

In my own life, self-care has given me clarity, stability, and a deeper connection with myself. It allows me to be more creative and refuels my energy for the things I want to do.

In turn, I can show up as the truest version of myself around others (I would say ‘best’, but I think ‘true’ is more appropriate).

So if you need a little reminder to keep making time for yourself, here are 40 one-sentence reminders to help you prioritize self-care (inspired by Josh Spector’s post, 40 one-sentence creativity tips).

40 one-sentence self-care tips

1. Self-care is about finding practices that help you stay balanced and healthy – mentally, physically, and emotionally.

2. An important act of self-care is standing up for your energy and time when other people are asking too much of you.

3. Setting boundaries can sound intimidating, but it will give you the freedom to spend time doing what you love.

4. Following your heart is an act of self-care.

5. Listening to your intuition is an act of self-care.

6. Don’t avoid the things that make you feel better.

7. Making time for yourself in the morning will help the rest of your day run more smoothly.

8. The way you talk to yourself manifests in everything you do.

9. “Instead of asking yourself why you’re so lazy, ask yourself why you might need so much rest.” – Dr. Emily Anhalt

10. Burnout happens when you avoid being human for too long.

11. You’ll show up as the truest version of yourself when you prioritize what you need.

12. You deserve to do what’s best for you.

13. If self-care makes you feel lazy, you might not have found the right self-care method for you.

14. Get clear on why you want to make self-care part of your lifestyle so you can’t make excuses to get out of it.

15. Don’t deplete your emotional, mental, and physical energy on something that doesn’t align with your values.

16. Sometimes all you need is a few moments to recuperate from a setback, and other times you need a whole day to recover; both are okay.

17. If you don’t want to do something, you don’t need to justify your decision to anyone.

18. Instead of worrying about being consistent, focus on being resilient with your actions so you can get back on track when you’re ready.

19. Take a break before you think you need it.

20. Recognize the difference between self-care, self-sabotage, and self-soothing.

21. Small efforts will add up over time.

22. When you’re clear with your boundaries and make every effort to stick to them, you reflect back to yourself that your needs are important.

23. “Showing up for yourself often means not showing up for everything and everyone else.” – Jennifer Healey

24. Make two self-care lists: a list of things that sustain you when you have high energy, and a list of things that keep you regulated when you feel low.

25. You don’t have to keep pushing yourself to do more.

26. Keeping commitments to yourself is the ultimate act of self-care.

27. Instead of trying to change all of your habits at once, start by setting one self-care goal for yourself and do what you can to stick to it.

28. “Under any circumstance, always do your best, no more and no less.” – The Four Agreements

29. Don’t get swept into the marketing side of self-care that’s solely focused on selling you a product.

30. To take care of ourselves from the inside out, we need to focus on what we actually need, not what other people tell us we need.

31. All self-care activities and behaviors are learnt from others and are influenced by the external environments in which people live and work. – Self-Care for Health

32. Whatever is causing you discomfort, you get to decide if you are going to accept it or find a way to change it.

33. Prioritize your support system and get comfortable asking for help.

34. True self-care involves sacrifice, honesty, community, and a commitment to making choices in your best interest.

35. “The soul usually knows what to do to heal itself; the challenge is to silence the mind.” – Caroline Myss

36. Make time for self-care in the “fringe hours” – the pockets of time between meetings, projects, and chores that often get wasted.

37. Get away from social media regularly so you can listen to what you really want.

38. When you’re trying to decide whether or not to do something, ask what would make life easier or better for your future self.

39. Let yourself take up as much space as you need in this world.

40. Don’t break the most important promise – a promise to yourself.

Which is your favorite tip?

Let me know if there’s anything you’d add to the list!

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