Efate Vanuatu Travel Sites – Top Six Things to See and Do

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Welcome to one of the happiest places on Earth. Efate Vanuatu travel sites reveal a pristine Pacific Island paradise.  With beautiful blue lagoons, coral beaches, shipwreck dives, lush rainforests, waterfalls and a Kava Culture, Vanuatu is a one-of-kind destination.    So, read on to learn why the people of Vanuatu have been recognized as some of the happiest people on Earth. 

Eton Beach

Background of Vanuatu

Located in the South Pacific Ocean, the Republic of Vanuatu spreads out over 80 islands.  It’s a wonderful destination for snorkeling and scuba diving among the stunning coral reefs. Even more, Vanuatu’s varied landscapes include mountains, active volcanoes, underwater volcanoes, waterfalls and lush rainforests. Vanuatu means “Our Land Forever.” Overall, its dense linguistics encompass 139 indigenous languages.  During WW II, Vanuatu was an important U.S. military base.  So, there are iconic shipwreck dives, including the noteworthy SS President Coolidge. Espiritu Santo is the largest island of Vanuatu with many of the famous blue lagoons.

Efate is the most populous island with the national capital, Port Vila.  The city is home to the Vanuatu National Museum, exploring the Melanesian culture.  Efate is also an important travel hub connecting to the island’s numerous sandy, white beaches and blue lagoons.   From Port Villa, Air Vanuatu goes to outer islands, for example, Tanna and Santo are popular destinations.  Also, the reality show, Survivor, filmed 3 seasons on the exotic island, Efate.

So Adorable!!!

Why is Vanuatu One of the Happiest Places on Earth?

Vanuatu consistently ranks high (4th in 2020) on the Happy Planet Index, based on countries.  Whatever you do here, take some time to connect with the people, as they overall are more relaxed and kinder than most cultures of the world.  Spend a day here and you realize why.  Furthermore, the natural beauty and diversity bring out the best in everyone!  Also, the Kava Culture enhances everything good with an herbal medicine for socializing, instead of drugs or alcohol.  Something to think about.   

Related: Vanuatu’s Enchanting Mystery Island Travel Tips

Top 6 Efate Vanuatu Travel Sites

As an Acupuncturist-at-Sea, I spent days off on this incredible port-of-call.  So, I researched and experienced all the sites explained here.  This gorgeous and tranquil island left deeply wonderful memories for me, so I love sharing.

Blue Lagoons

Yes, it’s really this BLUE!!!

Vanuatu is home to some of the bluest lagoons that I have ever seen. Even more, I emphasize that there are numerous blue lagoons, with most of them on Santo and Efate Islands.   These creations of Mother Nature happen from rain flowing through limestone caves in volcanic mountains and becoming underground streams. Eventually, they resurface near the coast creating the beautiful blue-green, cerulean lagoons. 

Yes, they are worthy of the dramatic introduction.  You reach these beautiful lagoons by canoe or car.  I hopped in the back of a pick-up taxi with a group and headed for the RiRi Hole on Efate Island.  Overall, it was one of the most magical days of my life, taking a swim in the crystal-clear blue waters.  Also, some people swung on the rope, making waves in the serene water. This is what I call healing travel!    

Tip:  On Efate Island, the RiRi Blue Hole is conveniently just 2 km from the beautiful Eton Beach making for an overall magical day.

Gorgeous Beaches

Eton Beach

Vanuatu is home to countless beaches for swimming, snorkeling and even beachcombing for WW II flotsam and remnants.   A group of friends and I rented a taxi, transferring from the Riri Blue Hole to Eton Beach.  I was absolutely in awe of the waters as they remained shallow till far out and thus, remained white from the pure sand for a distance before deepening into the blue tropical waters.  Overall, the pristine and super calm waters soothe and bathe the soul. 

WW II Military Flotsam

Afterwards, a taxi took me to a beach known for WW II flotsam and remnants.  Here, I beachcombed and discovered military parts and artifacts from sunken ships.   

Snorkel and/or Dive – Efate Vanuatu Travel Sites

Vanuatu is home to countless snorkeling and diving sites on many islands.  I spent a half day on Hideaway Island, a short ferry ride from Efate Island beaches.  Here, there is snorkeling, diving and even the World’s First Underwater Post Office.  Most noteworthy for diving is the famous WW II shipwreck of the SS President Coolidge.

Experience the Kava Culture


A popular part of the South Pacific is the love for Kava, a pepper plant used to relieve stress and anxiety.   Furthermore, Vanuatu has the most varieties of Kava and may even be its island of origin. The kava herbal root is traditionally served in a coconut bowl. Additionally, in Port Vila there are more than 250 Kava Bars. 

In Vanuatu they are called ‘nakamal’ or meeting place.   Spending time at one of these Kava Bars, you realize, overall, why the people from Vanuatu are known as being some of the happiest people on Earth.  

Related: Fascinating Fiji Kava Ceremony on Exotic Dravuni Island

Mele Cascades

Mele Cascades

The Mele Cascades is Vanuatu’s most popular waterfall just 10 km from Port Vila.  It is a series of travertine or limestone cascades.  (It reminds me of the travertine cascades of Dunn’s River Falls in Jamaica).  Furthermore, the pools and cascades terrace up alongside the hill, and a rope assists along a slippery path on wet rocks to the top. Finally, the uppermost tier showcases the tallest precipice, spilling over 30 meters.  Because of my history and caution with slippery rocks, I just observed the falls and the lush, tropical gardens surrounding the area. Overall, I saw many species of vividly lovely pink and red ginger plants.  

Tanalilui Road Markets

Don’t forget to tap into the culture at one of the markets.  Handicrafts, fresh produce, coconuts and of course, kava root abound. 


Overall, Efate Vanuatu Travel Sites

Being this remote and undeveloped Vanuatu allows for an authentic experience, not yet exploited by over tourism.  However, the island of Efate also offers amenities and creature comforts, alongside its fantastic beaches, culture, waterfalls and resorts. 

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